Job Searching: let’s face it, no one looks forward to the process. It takes a lot of time and effort to find that perfect position you will be happy in. And no one wants to be a professional job searcher.

Actually, that is not quite true. Team Cadre is made up of professional job searchers!  We have a great team that works together to help you find a position.  Each person on the Cadre team has different duties, but by dividing up a large task, and through experience gained in our individual roles, we complete the total job searching package for our applicants and employees.

By itself, the division of tasks isn’t enough to do a good job. Communication is key. Team Cadre works together from the initial job inquiry, to the in-person interview, to client interviews and job offers! All of those events occur to help you meet your career goals.

While we do “stay in our lanes” and our positions handle different duties within staffing and recruiting, we also have each other’s’ backs and always keep our applicants’ and employees’ best interests in mind.

Please contact us at [email protected] if we can help ease the pain of job searching.